Brad D. Carlson and D. Todd Donavan

Although the product match-up hypothesis has proven useful in predicting endorsement effectiveness, the current study reveals that endorser identification may be a better predictor of endorsement success. Specifically, the findings suggest that it is important for the consumer to have a connection in the form of identification with the endorser. In such cases, even a poor-fitting endorsement may lead to positive brand outcomes. Further, identification with the endorser leads to positive outcomes with team-related intentions as well as a sense of community with other fans. The results offer...Read more

Heidi M. Parker
Janet S. Fink

Many companies use athlete endorsers to help promote brands and sell products, and athletes are paid considerably for allowing companies to marry the athlete’s image and persona with their products and/or services. Thus, understanding what makes an effective endorser is an important question. Grounded in source credibility and match-up hypothesis theory, this study examined how knowledge of an athlete’s prior arrest or knowledge about an athlete’s sexuality would impact perceived source credibility characteristics of attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise, as well as perceptions of...Read more