An Examination of Relationship Selling Effectiveness in NCAA Division I Ticket Sales

James F. Weiner
T. Christopher Greenwell
and Megan B. Shreffler

College athletics departments are making more money than ever and spending it even faster (Fulks, 2017). As athletics departments look to increase their individual schools’ revenue year-to-year, ticket sales stands out as one of the only revenue streams without a long term contract. The current study examined the effect of relationship selling on several purchase behaviors in Division I college football. A study of over 90 FBS schools concluded the factor of customer disclosure predicted all football-related purchase behaviors, while interaction intensity was found as a non-predictor or even negative predictor. Cooperative intentions predicted some but not all behaviors. Cross-selling behaviors were uniquely predicted by agent disclosure, which did not predict any other outcomes, suggesting that while relationship selling may have a positive effect on the bottom line, not all factors are positive. Additionally, findings suggest positive selling relationships appear differently, cross-selling the customer to another sport.